Sunday, January 25, 2009

Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia (Vision & Mission)

VISION - The Five Year Strategic Scouts Development Plan : 2005-2009
(Quantum Leap for Malaysian Scouting)
The Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia upholds the Mission of Scouting and envisions for 2009 a Scout Movement that:
  1. Developing the Scout movement: QUANTITATIVE EXPANSION - To increase the number of scouts ( Volunteer Leaders, Rover Scouts, senior Scouts, Scouts and Cubs)
  2. Improving the Scout organisation: QUALITATIVE IMPROVEMENTS - To upgrade the Training and Management Standard of Scouting
  3. Gaining higher public confidence: PEOPLE'S SUPPORT - To build a better scouting image
  4. Strengthening the Scout movement: THE NATION'S SUPPORT - To get solid support of the government and the private sectors
  5. Making scouting an enjoyable activity: ATTRACTING MORE MEMBERS - To organise more relevant and appealing activities
  6. Scouting to be more meaningful movement: BEING USEFUL - To contribute to individual character development and nation building
  7. Raising substantive funds: MORE ACTIVITIES - To provide adequate training and administrative facilities
  1. The aim of the Corporation is to develop good citizenship among boys by forming their character and to achive this end by:
    a) training them in habits of observation, obedience and self-reliance;
    b) including loyalty and thoughfulness for others;
    c) teaching them services useful to the public and handicrafts useful to themselves; and
    d) promoting their physical, mental and spiritual development
  2. The principles and practice of the Corporation shall be based on the Scout Promise and Scout Law and such other principles and practice as shall be provided in the Rules of the Corporation.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

King Scout - fast track meeting

Saudara dan Saudari,

Program Khas Ke Arah Pengakap Raja Sesi 2009 dijangkakan untuk bermula pada 7-2-2009 supaya peserta-peserta sempat siap lencana-lencana berkenaan untuk Perkhemahan Pentarafan Pengakap Raja pada bulan November / Disember 2009.

Mesyuarat Khas 1/09 untuk Program Khas Ke Arah Pengakap Raja Sesi 2009 akan diadakan seperti berikut :

Tarikh : 17-1-2009 dari pukul 6:00 petang hingga 8:00 petang
Tempat : B-P House
Ajenda :

(A) Organisasi
(i) Penubuhan Sekretariat untuk menguruskan pendaftaran pengakap, keizinan ibubapa pengakap dan insuran;
(ii) Perlantikan Jawatankuasa Kecil Kebendaharaan untuk menyimpan akaun; dan
(iii) Soal Makanan dan Minuman untuk Peserta dan para Pesuruhjaya dan Pembimbing.

(B) Penubuhan Jawatankuasa Kecil Penerbitan untuk menguruskan penerbitan buku-buku rujukan dan panduan kepengakapan yang akan disebarkan semasa Program Khas.

(C) Perlantikan Setiausaha Lencana untuk menyimpan rekod dan sijil untuk peserta dan menguruskan pemberian lencana dan sijil.

(D) Penyebaran Buku Pengenalan dan Pengesahan Bilangan Peserta.

(E) Pengesahan Tarikh-tarikh untuk Latihan dan Pengagihan kerja serta Perlantikan Pesuruhjaya Bertugas dan Jawatankuasa Kecil untuk setiap sesi berikut :

(1) Sesi untuk

(2) Sesi untuk



(5) KEM PENGEMBARA [dijangkakan untuk diadakan semasa cuti pertengahan tahun] untuk merangkumi :

(6) PERKHIDMATAN di mana bahagian-bahagian utama adalah Pertolongan Cemas, Life Saving dan Kursus Asas Kebombaan.

Sila sebarkan makluman ini. Semua yang bersedia untuk berkhidmat dalam perjalanan latihan adalah dijemput hadir. Pengakap Raja lepas, Pengakap Kelana dan Pemimpin yang berminat juga dijemput hadir. Tertakluk kepada kesesuaian dan pengesahan daripada Pesuruhjaya Negeri, Pengakap Raja lepas, Pengakap Kelana dan Pemimpin yang berminat akan ditugaskan untuk menjalankan latihan tersebut bersama Pesuruhjaya-pesuruhjaya.

Saya juga akan mencadangkan agar Pengakap Kelana yang membantu dalam Program Khas ini sebagai pembimbing lulus ujian-ujian tertentu di bawah B-P's Award.

Terima kasih.

Teh Eng Lay
Pengerusi Latihan Khas Pengakap Raja 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Scoutmaster's Duty

Success in training the boy largely depends upon the Scoutmaster's own personal example. It is easy to become the hero as well as the elder brother of the boy. We are apt, as we grow up, to forget what a store of hero worship is in the boy. The Scoutmaster who is a hero to his boys holds a powerful lever to their development, but at the same time brings a great responsibility on himself. They are quick enough to see the smallest characteristic about him, whether it be a virtue or a vice. His mannerisms become theirs, the amount of courtesy he shows, his irritations, his sunny happiness, or his impatient glower, his willing self-discipline or his occasional moral lapses all are not only noticed, but adopted by his followers.
Therefore, to get them to carry out the Scout Law and all that underlies it, the Scoutmaster himself should scrupulously carry out its professions in every detail of his life. With scarcely a word of instruction his boys will follow him. The Scoutmaster's job is like golf, or scything, or °y-¯shing. If you \press" you don't get there, at least not with anything like the extent you do by a light-hearted e®ortless swing. But you have got to swing. It's no use standing still. It is one thing or the other, either progress or relaxes. Let us progress and with a smile on.
Loyalty to the Movement
Let the Scoutmaster remember that in addition to his duty to his boys he has a duty also to the Movement as a whole. Our aim in making boys into good citizens is partly for the bene¯t of the country, that it may have a virile trusty race of citizens whose amity and sense of \playing the game" will keep it united internally and at peace with its neighbors abroad. Charged with the duty of teaching self-abnegation and discipline by their own practice of it, Scoutmasters must necessarily be above petty personal feeling, and must be large-minded enough to subject their own personal views to the higher policy of the whole. Theirs is to teach their boys to \play the game," each in his place like bricks in a wall, by doing the same themselves. Each has his allotted sphere of work, and the better he devotes himself to that, the better his Scouts will respond to his training.
Then it is only by looking to the higher aims of the Movement, or to the e®ects of measures ten years hence that one can see details of today in their proper proportion. Where a man cannot conscientiously take the line required, his one manly course is to put it straight to his Commissioner or to Headquarters, and if we cannot meet his views, then to leave the work. He goes into it in the ¯rst place with his eyes open, and it is scarcely fair if afterwards, because he ¯nds the details do not suit him, he complains that it is the fault of the Executive. Fortunately, in our Movement, by decentralisation and giving a free hand to the local authorities, we avoid much of the red tape which has been the cause of irritation and complaint in so many other organisations. We are also fortunate in having a body of Scoutmasters who are large-minded in their outlook and in their loyalty to the Movement as a whole.

A Scoutmaster's Reward
A man dared to tell me once that he was the happiest man in the world! I had to tell him of one who was still happier: myself. You need not suppose that either of us in attaining this happiness had never had di±culties to contend with. Just the opposite. It is the satisfaction of having successfully faced di±culties and borne pin-pricks that gives completeness to the pleasure of having overcome them. Don't expect your life to be a bed of roses; there would be no fun in it if it were. So, in dealing with the Scouts, you are bound to meet with disappointments and setbacks. Be patient: more people ruin their work or careers through want of patience than do so through drink or other vices. You will have to bear patiently with irritating criticisms and red tape bonds to some extent but your reward will come. The satisfaction which comes of having tried to do one's duty at the cost of self-denial, and of having developed characters in the boys which will give them a di®erent status for life, brings such a reward as cannot well be set down in writing. The fact of having worked to prevent the recurrence of those evils which, if allowed to run on, would soon be rotting our youth, gives a man the solid comfort that he has done something, at any rate, for his country, however humble may be his position.
This is the spirit with which Scoutmasters and Commissioners, Committeemen,instructors, organisers and secretaries the word "Scouter" describes them allwork in the Boy Scout Movement. The credit for the Organisation and the spread of the Scout Movement is due to this army of voluntary workers. Here we have remarkable if silent evidence of the ¯ne patriotic spirit that lies beneath the surface of most nations. These men give up their time and energies, and in many cases their money as well, to the work of organising the training of boys, without any idea of reward or praise for what they are doing, they do it for the love of their country and their kind.

Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the World Scout Movement, Chief Scout of the World

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (pronounced /ˈbeɪdən ˈpoʊəl/) OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB (22 February 1857 – 8 January 1941), also known as B-P, was a lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer, and founder of the Scout Movement.

After having been educated at Charterhouse School, Baden-Powell served in the British Army from 1876 until 1910 in India and Africa. In 1899, during the Second Boer War in South Africa, Baden-Powell successfully defended the city in the Siege of Mafeking. Several of his military books, written for military reconnaissance and scout training in his African years, were also read by boys. Based on those earlier books, he wrote Scouting for Boys, published in 1908 by Pearson, for youth readership. During writing, he tested his ideas through a camping trip on Brownsea Island that began on 1 August 1907, which is now seen as the beginning of Scouting.

After his marriage with Olave St Clair Soames, Baden-Powell, his sister Agnes Baden-Powell and notably his wife actively gave guidance to the Scouting Movement and the Girl Guides Movement. Baden-Powell lived his last years in Nyeri, Kenya, where he died in 1941.
Links Relating to Baden-Powell:

Scout Sign

Those three fingers stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath
1. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and
my country and to obey the Scout Law.
2. To help other people at all times.
3. To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake,
and morally straight.
Your thumb and little finger touch to represent the bond that units all scouts.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Dear Scout Friends

My dear scout friends,

We need to build a better nation through development of young people from the early stage. This is our land, country and world which need to be protected for the future generation.

In scout, we build character from young age till the end. Once scout always a scout. We follow the scout promise and 10 laws of scout.

Petrol system which teach us to work as a team to achieve in the global. Parents guide the children and adult guide the young people. System of petrol will teach everyone work as team to a better result.

The way of scouting will ensure you to choose the right path in your life. I said this with my own experience, non formal education which gives me all guldens to lift up my personal development to be a better leader.

I strongly believe, the way of scouting will give everyone a very useful knowledge for the young people.

Once scout, always a scout

Chenteral Velo
DC Segambut, WPKL